IRC logs for #farmOS, 2024-01-16 (GMT)

[21:47:02]<tamtran94[m]> * Excuse me, may I continue the discussion on the topic at []()... (full message at <
[21:48:35]<tamtran94[m]> * Excuse me, may I continue the discussion on the topic at (full message at <
[21:50:15]<tamtran94[m]> * Excuse me, may I continue the discussion on the topic at (full message at <
[21:50:49]<tamtran94[m]> * Excuse me, may I continue the discussion on the topic at (full message at <
[22:42:04]<tamtran94[m]>> <> tamtran94: What Docker image are you using? symbioquine's example that you replied to in that forum topic used `farmos/farmos:2.x-dev`, but if you are running farmOS 3.0.0 then you should use `farmos/farmos:3.x-dev`... (full message at <
[22:42:14]<tamtran94[m]> * ```... (full message at <
[22:52:56]<tamtran94[m]>ACTION uploaded an image: (799KiB) < >
[22:53:46]<tamtran94[m]>Sorry for a mistake from old's cached from terminal were saved more than 12 hours ago,... (full message at <
[22:54:01]<tamtran94[m]> * Sorry for a mistake from old's cached from terminal which were saved more than 12 hours ago,... (full message at <
[22:54:39]<tamtran94[m]> * Sorry for a mistake from old's cached from terminal which were saved more than 12 hours ago after left physical access to server,... (full message at <
[01:10:47]<tamtran94[m]> * Sorry for a mistake from old's cached from terminal which were saved more than 12 hours ago after left physical access to server,... (full message at <
[01:12:30]<tamtran94[m]> * Sorry for a mistake from old's cached from terminal which were saved more than 12 hours ago after left physical access to server,... (full message at <
[01:12:45]<tamtran94[m]> * Sorry for a mistake from old's cached from terminal which were saved more than 12 hours ago after left physical access to server,... (full message at <
[01:29:16]<tamtran94[m]> * Actually, I prefer to use both of command as above, with current limited ability unlike skillful with at least docker command 😅
[01:31:30]<tamtran94[m]> * and then ran `docker-compose up -d` with _docker-compose.yml_ which was set code as the topic as suggest.
[01:31:30]<tamtran94[m]>Purpose tried to model as local machine with older version (farmos:2.0-dev) 🤔
[01:33:06]<tamtran94[m]>> <> Are you using a `docker-compose.yml` and running `docker compose up/down` commands?
[01:33:06]<tamtran94[m]> * Yes, Mr. mstenta
[01:33:06]<tamtran94[m]>I edited `docker-compose.yml` as Mr. symbioquine suggested on previous topic.
[04:45:34]<tamtran94[m]>The newest `docker-compose.yml` re-mixed:... (full message at <
[05:10:18]<tamtran94[m]> * The newest `docker-compose.yml` re-mixed:... (full message at <
[05:10:51]<tamtran94[m]> * The newest `docker-compose.yml` re-mixed:... (full message at <
[05:10:59]<tamtran94[m]> * The newest `docker-compose.yml` re-mixed:... (full message at <
[05:11:20]<tamtran94[m]> * The newest `docker-compose.yml` re-mixed:... (full message at <
[09:19:44]<tamtran94[m]>ACTION uploaded an image: (212KiB) < >
[09:20:24]<tamtran94[m]>Let me try again on the next day, today was already uninstall Apache, but it's hard. Apache everywhere, full uninstalled impossible currently. So, just sure that none of the service using port 80.
[09:20:24]<tamtran94[m]>Will exit ASAP 🤔
[09:25:11]<tamtran94[m]> * Let me try again on the next day, today was already uninstall Apache, but it's hard. Apache everywhere, full uninstalled impossible currently. So, just sure that none of the services are using port 80.
[09:25:11]<tamtran94[m]>Will exit error ASAP 🤔
[09:25:11]<tamtran94[m]>p/s: diagram from p2p udemy Stephen Grider (Github)
[15:20:03]<shplorf[m]>Hi all, I'm getting a warning that "Output buffering is not enabled" in the admin status report. I've added a `farmos.ini` file in `/usr/local/etc/php/conf.d` with:
[15:20:03]<shplorf[m]>`output_buffering="On"`, but I still see the warning. Any ideas/suggestions? Thanks!
[15:21:14]<mstenta[m]>shplorf: are you using a farmOS Docker image?
[15:23:35]<mstenta[m]>This is a change that was recently introduced in Drupal 10.2.0 (which farmOS 3.0.0 uses):
[15:24:02]<mstenta[m]>> Sites which do not enable output buffering by default will continue to work, albeit with a potential performance penalty.
[15:24:35]<mstenta[m]>I am noticing that I see the message in my local farmos/farmos:3.x-dev Docker container, but NOT in my production farmos/farmos:3.0.0 container
[15:24:45]<mstenta[m]>I haven't investigated why there's a difference yet
[15:27:15]<shplorf[m]><mstenta[m]> "shplorf: are you using a..." <- yep, latest one, 3.0.0
[15:28:26]<mstenta[m]>Oh you know... I bet it's because I'm adding this in my production image:
[15:28:26]<mstenta[m]>`mv "$PHP_INI_DIR/php.ini-production" "$PHP_INI_DIR/php.ini"`
[15:28:38]<mstenta[m]>My production image extends from farmos/farmos:3.0.0
[15:29:55]<mstenta[m]>Maybe we should consider including that in our official image too
[15:30:38]<mstenta[m]>You could probably accomplish the same thing inside `docker-compose.yml` commands, if you're doing that already (vaguely remember earlier discussions with symbioquine )
[15:31:14]<mstenta[m]>But the long story short is: I think it's safe to ignore the warning.
[15:31:44]<mstenta[m]>If you want to find out for sure, here's the Drupal core issue that added the warning:
[15:32:07]<mstenta[m]>(I haven't read through that myself. If you do, I would love to hear your synopsis! 😄)
[15:34:02]<shplorf[m]>Is there any "reload"-type action that needs to happen for changes to these. ini files to get picked up?
[15:34:17]<shplorf[m]>(I am PHP/Drupal n00b)
[15:36:57]<mstenta[m]>If you restart the container that will definitely do it :-)
[15:37:06]<mstenta[m]>Maybe there's a more subtle way but... that'll work
[15:38:04]<shplorf[m]>Please let me know if I'm being too annoying and should post these questions somewhere else, but another issue I've been having with my deployment is not being able to upload files. I followed the relevant section of the install guide, and I think I have everything configured correctly, but when I try to upload an image I see this in the log:
[15:38:04]<shplorf[m]>> The upload directory private://farm/asset/2024-01 for the file field image could not be created or is not accessible. A newly uploaded file could not be saved in this directory as a consequence, and the upload was canceled.
[15:38:27]<mstenta[m]>Not at all! You're in the right place! :-)
[15:38:50]<mstenta[m]>Yea setting up the private files directory seems to be a common trouble for people :-(
[15:39:17]<shplorf[m]>ACTION sent a code block:
[15:40:04]<shplorf[m]>Any way I can debug further?
[15:41:13]<mstenta[m]>The three most important things are:... (full message at <
[15:41:26]<mstenta[m]>Your directory looks correct...
[15:41:44]<mstenta[m]>Did you run that ls -la from inside the container, or from outside the container?
[15:42:28]<shplorf[m]>ahh somehow I missed the cache clearing
[15:42:31]<shplorf[m]>works now
[15:43:12]<mstenta[m]>Perhaps we should simplify our instructions ( to highlight those three important steps
[15:43:19]<mstenta[m]>Pull request welcome if you'd like to help!
[15:43:45]<mstenta[m]>this is the file in github:
[15:43:50]<shplorf[m]>No the instructions are super clear it's my reading comprehension skills that are the problem
[15:45:50]<mstenta[m]>Well I wrote those instructions and I admit that I tend to be a little too verbose... sometimes a simple 1,2,3 is better :-)
[15:46:11]<mstenta[m]>Maybe I'll take another pass to improve that myself soon...
[15:51:52]<mstenta[m]>shplorf: Did that php.ini tip fix the warning for you?