IRC logs for #farmOS, 2021-06-04 (GMT)

[05:13:07]* NicholasPetrakak has joined #farmos
[08:03:17]* farmBOT has joined #farmos
[14:09:20]<symbioquine[m]>ACTION < >
[14:14:00]<paul121[m]>hmm yes I think you might be right
[14:15:59]<paul121[m]>ah well, no not necessarily :-)
[14:16:38]<paul121[m]>this is where I was hesitant on going full-on with "instance" settings
[14:17:14]<paul121[m]>all this allows right now is changing the default `onFocusOnly` setting that is passed when creating new instances
[14:17:35]<symbioquine[m]>But as written currently the `drupalSettings.farm_map[mapId].instance` wouldn't do anything because nothing's populating it right?
[14:17:55]<paul121[m]>ACTION < >
[14:18:19]<symbioquine[m]>ah, I see
[14:18:44]<paul121[m]>so I guess the question is, should it be possible to add other `options` in that global drupalSettings area?
[14:19:08]<paul121[m]>or should it always be under the `instances.{id}.instance` key?
[14:19:21]<paul121[m]>or should farmOS-map have a more standardized method? :-)
[14:20:11]<paul121[m]>this was definitely a first step though and totally open to thoughts on this!
[14:22:50]<symbioquine[m]><paul121[m] "so I guess the question is, shou"> It looks like there's currently code that does that;
[14:23:18]<paul121[m]><paul121[m] "so I guess the question is, shou"> ah, so this is what we're doing with WKT:
[14:23:33]<paul121[m]>yep, and I think WKT is the only core one that does it
[14:23:47]<symbioquine[m]>But of course, as we discussed in, the behavior has to manually get stuff out of there in its code.
[14:25:00]<paul121[m]>I'd like to see behaviors not have to depend on `drupalSettings` but perhaps that is a longshot right now
[14:26:03]<paul121[m]>ah, also here:
[14:28:19]<paul121[m]>we should decide on a more standard way to provide these things
[14:32:10]<paul121[m]>I think there should be a distinction of `instance` settings.. maybe the `map_type` `options` should really just be `instance_settings` ?
[14:33:52]<paul121[m]>but also having a more general set of `options` that behaviors could pull from... I see this being useful, especially with the config entity