IRC logs for #farmOS, 2021-06-02 (GMT)

[20:16:14]* andyepx[m] has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[20:17:29]* med65[m] has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[20:18:34]* andyepx[m] has joined #farmos
[20:19:35]* JulianF has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[20:20:06]* med65[m] has joined #farmos
[20:24:10]* andyepx[m] has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[20:24:34]* HarishankarEthir has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[20:25:06]* JulianF has joined #farmos
[20:26:09]* andyepx[m] has joined #farmos
[20:26:21]* HarishankarEthir has joined #farmos
[00:27:27]<paul121[m]>lol just realized I goofed on that timezone calculation 🤣 totally meant 3pm eastern
[00:28:27]<paul121[m]>12 est was an odd time to suggest given the context hahah. but we can go with it!! 😆
[03:46:51]* dee has joined #farmos
[05:47:50]<mstenta[m]>paul121 3 eastern works too if we want to do that
[11:53:35]<paul121[m]>eh, let's go with the earlier time if it works for everyone?
[14:35:44]<mstenta[m]>oof OpenSocial had some SQL injection vulnerabilities 😬
[16:38:01]<shane_aldrich[m]><mstenta[m] "hmm yea sounds like something's "> Finally figured it out. I totally spaced adding ` farmos` to my `/etc/hosts` file and `windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts` file. I now have the install page showing.
[16:57:05]<shane_aldrich[m]>Well... Now I'm stuck at the database installation step. Since I am using my own stack (MariaDB), I created a database called `farm` and granted all privileges to my user account. However, I'm unable to log in properly and continue the installation. Should I have created a `farm` user as well? And what about the advanced options for `host`? I currently have that set to `localhost`.
[17:01:57]<paul121[m]>hmm can you verify that your DB is accessible from your windows environment? Might need to expose some ports like you do for the Drupal stuff
[17:02:37]<paul121[m]>well wait no - nvm haah
[17:02:41]<paul121[m]> * well wait no - nvm haha
[17:02:53]<paul121[m]>(although that would be helpful for debugging)
[17:03:14]<shane_aldrich[m]>I have OmniDB on the windows side. And I can connect to my drupal test database with the username and password pointing to `localhost` at `port:3306`
[17:04:30]<paul121[m]>When you're installing I think `localhost` might not be the correct hostname for the DB then..
[17:05:18]<paul121[m]>it needs to be "relative" to your Drupal container
[17:05:40]<shane_aldrich[m]>I tried `db` per the Docker instructions. No dice on that either.
[17:07:41]<paul121[m]>yeah, that's because the docker-compose file creates a network that the two docker containers can access each other via their service name, like `db`
[17:08:34]<shane_aldrich[m]>But I'm not using Docker. I wonder if it's because I downloaded the `tar.gz` alpha release
[17:09:30]<paul121[m]>Hmm.. I don't think that would be an issue
[17:09:54]<paul121[m]>you were able to install bare Drupal though eh? identical configuration?
[17:10:26]<shane_aldrich[m]>I was. The only difference is using the new `farm` database I create this morning.
[17:10:38]<shane_aldrich[m]> * I was. The only difference is using the new `farm` database I created this morning.
[17:17:32]<paul121[m]>and `localhost` was the correct hostname before?
[17:19:08]<paul121[m]>if you still have that bare drupal environment you could take a peek at the `web/sites/default/settings.php` file to confirm things
[17:30:57]<shane_aldrich[m]>`hash_salt` has a different value. But I think that's because the Dupal installation completed fully. Also, the Drupal `settings.php` file has the associated database information (from the install) as well as `config_sync_directory`.
[17:39:59]<shane_aldrich[m]>It's working now. Hopefully, my silly mistake will help others out. What I forgot to do along the way was assign a password to the `farm` database for my user. Doh! 🤦