IRC logs for #farmOS, 2021-02-23 (GMT)

[19:08:13]<mstenta[m]>Nope that's for something different
[19:08:51]<mstenta[m]>I would probably recommend running an Nginx container that can serve as a reverse proxy
[19:09:11]<mstenta[m]>Which can also handle SSL
[19:09:44]<mstenta[m]>This keeps the farmOS image itself simple: it's just Apache+Drupal basically
[19:10:08]<mstenta[m]>This is really a general Drupal hosting question, in other words :-)
[19:10:24]<mstenta[m]>There's a few ways to do it but I like Nginx
[19:10:48]<mstenta[m]>There's a doc on farmOS.orh
[19:10:56]<mstenta[m]>* There's a doc on
[19:12:13]<mstenta[m]>Worth reading all of that if you haven't
[19:12:20]<mstenta[m]>Reverse proxy links are at the bottom
[19:14:37]<frakman1[m]>I do have an nginx reverse proxy that I use for all my docker 'sites' and it works. There's just usually another part in the web app that also uses the external URL for some reason but it isn't always needed. Depends on the implementation I guess.
[19:14:43]<frakman1[m]>Sounds like it's not needed for FarmOS
[19:14:59]<mstenta[m]>Ooh yeah it will figure it out itself
[19:15:07]<mstenta[m]>But... Check those docs
[19:15:12]<mstenta[m]>There are some things to do
[19:15:28]<mstenta[m]>Base url in settings.php is one
[19:15:39]<mstenta[m]>I think that's in the docs... Should be
[19:18:05]<mstenta[m]>Search Drupal docs for $base_url if not
[19:22:40]<frakman1[m]>I found `base_url` in `sites/default/settings.php`. Changed it. Setup my reverse nginx and everything seems to work
[19:24:20]<frakman1[m]> * I found `base_url` in `sites/default/settings.php`. Changed it. Setup my reverse nginx proxy and provider's DNS and everything seems to work. I can access it remotely on a FQDN now
[19:24:21]<mstenta[m]>Yea the settings.php file itself has lots of info in it
[19:24:22]<frakman1[m]>Not sure if `base_url` was needed since I didn't restart anything after changing it
[19:24:59]<frakman1[m]>What's the minimum restartable component after changing `settings.php`? Is there a process I can just restart or do I need to restart the whole docker container?
[19:25:13]<mstenta[m]>Yea it's not strictly necessary to make the reverse proxy work, but helps to make sure all links drupal generates are correct
[19:25:44]<mstenta[m]>Oh are you asking what needs to persist outside the container? Do you have any volumes now?
[19:25:52]<frakman1[m]>No, not persistance.
[19:26:13]<mstenta[m]>Oh caching
[19:26:17]<frakman1[m]>What is settings.php for? which component? After changing it, what daemon needs to restart to see that change?
[19:26:57]<mstenta[m]>So generally you don't need to restart
[19:27:10]<mstenta[m]>But there is some caching in some things
[19:27:22]<mstenta[m]>At different levels for different purposes
[19:27:27]<frakman1[m]>The only folder I am mapping is `/var/www/html/sites`
[19:28:24]<mstenta[m]>Restarting the farmOS container will restart Apache/PHP
[19:29:06]<mstenta[m]>Drupal caches can be cleared at Configuration > Development > Performance
[19:29:15]<frakman1[m]>Yes, but that's like rebooting a server. I guess, I just need to restart the php server for this
[19:53:36]<frakman1[m]>Would you say this chat is more for technical discussion and the discourse is more general usage?
[20:06:08]<mstenta[m]>yea generally speaking that's about right
[20:10:16]<mstenta[m]>Chat is mainly for quick immediate stuff
[20:10:35]<mstenta[m]>Forum's better for longer term and stuff you want to keep - but not quite as specific as issue queue
[20:10:59]<mstenta[m]>(That's how we've been honing in on usage of them generally, anyway) :-)
[00:12:40]* stevemwai[m] has joined #farmos
[00:13:38]<stevemwai[m]>Does FarmOS capture activity and input costs? Or basically, does it help with tracking expenditure and income?
[06:38:55]<mstenta[m]>Hi stevemwai
[06:39:18]<mstenta[m]>farmOS has "Sale" and "Purchase" logs that can be used to record transactions
[06:39:29]<mstenta[m]>It's also possible to record quantities on Logs, which can have a "Value"
[06:39:50]<mstenta[m]>We are slowly working towards a more comprehensive system for activty/input costs, which will tie all of this together
[06:39:54]<mstenta[m]> * We are slowly working towards a more comprehensive system for activity/input costs, which will tie all of this together
[06:39:59]<mstenta[m]>Along with time tracking
[06:40:28]<mstenta[m]>So as of right now: the answer is yes* - but it still requires a fair bit of manual effort to organize it all
[06:40:59]<mstenta[m]>And there is no reporting. So the longer term goals will be to add more UI to make data entry easier, as well as reporting UI to summarize data
[06:42:09]<mstenta[m]>The general philosophy of farmOS is: allow you to capture anything. And over time make it easier to standardize those things, as the community builds consensus around the best ways to do that within the data model
[06:42:21]<stevemwai[m]>mstenta: Thanks for the response. I am really looking forward to that - you know, analytics, reports, visualizations (tables, graphs, charts, etc)
[06:42:33]<mstenta[m]>Me too! :-)
[06:43:18]<mstenta[m]>Contributions are welcome!
[06:43:45]<mstenta[m]>Currently we are focused on the farmOS 2.x upgrade - which will put us on a solid foundation for future development efforts
[06:44:06]<mstenta[m]>Making good progress - I expect things to start happening quickly over the next few years!
[06:44:16]<mstenta[m]>(2.x beta is planned for this Spring)
[07:00:28]<stevemwai[m]>That is awesome.
[07:00:28]<stevemwai[m]>I see a great future for FarmOS
[07:01:05]<stevemwai[m]>And how about GoogleMaps API? It is not working on my side. Mapbox is fine.
[07:23:54]<mstenta[m]>stevemwai are you self hosting or using Farmier?
[07:24:25]<stevemwai[m]>mstenta: I am self-hosting
[07:25:54]<mstenta[m]>Ok did you get a Google API key?
[07:26:21]<stevemwai[m]>Yes, I did
[07:29:34]<mstenta[m]>Do you know how to check your browser console logs? Often there will be an error message or other clue when you try to switch to the Google layer
[07:30:21]<mstenta[m]>(also just a heads up the Google layers are a bit buggy. I only recommend it if Mapbox is insufficient)
[07:32:50]<mstenta[m]>(you need to enable the Google module also, and enter the key in farmOS, if you haven't already)
[07:35:15]<stevemwai[m]>mstenta: Thanks for the guidance. I see I had not activated my API for Javascript Maps access.
[07:35:15]<stevemwai[m]>And yeah, I have noticed Google maps tile are lagging esp when zooming in/out. I will just stick to Mapbox.
[07:35:44]<stevemwai[m]> * mstenta: Thanks for the guidance. I see I had not activated my API for Javascript Maps access.
[07:35:44]<stevemwai[m]>And yeah, I have noticed Google maps tiles are lagging esp when zooming in/out. I will just stick to Mapbox.
[07:40:01]<mstenta[m]>Yea also rotating the map with Google enabled breaks everything :-(
[07:40:07]<mstenta[m]>Great! 👍
[07:41:26]<mstenta[m]>Unfortunately it's a result of Google doing things in a non standard way... Outside our control
[17:33:19]* missnomerCk has joined #farmos
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[18:15:38]* Taylor has joined #farmos
[18:15:52]* Taylor has quit (K-Lined)