[22:29:17] | * farmBOT has joined #farmos |
[10:38:28] | <mstenta[m]> | symbioquine: OK! I think I have two PRs ready for review that will solve our image EXIF issues. :-) |
[10:38:33] | <mstenta[m]> | (cc paul121) |
[10:38:45] | <mstenta[m]> | I propose that we consider this one first (in a patch release): https://github.com/farmOS/farmOS/pull/941 |
[10:39:03] | <mstenta[m]> | And this one next (possibly in a minor/major release... more discussion needed): https://github.com/farmOS/farmOS/pull/940 |
[10:39:30] | <mstenta[m]> | Full context, for anyone interested: https://github.com/farmOS/farmOS/issues/939 |
[10:52:52] | * fosten[m] has joined #farmos |
[10:52:53] | <fosten[m]> | Does anyone have experience with PGBouncer? I am considering what pool_mode to choose transaction, session, statement. Transaction seems to be the recommended, unless relying on session-level features. Drupal doesn't seem to use persistent sessions inherently, but rather passes session data and oauth2 tokens through the db, which would indicate 'transaction' pool_mode would be fine for GUI logins. However, specifically with |
[10:52:53] | <fosten[m]> | oauth/farmOS.js, I believe it establishes a PHP session stored in server memory? So in that case, 'session' pool_mode would be needed to preserve the session across different connections? Am I thinking about this correctly? |
[16:25:34] | <fosten[m]> | For those interested, 'transaction' pooling appears to have worked. No PHP sessions apparently, bur rather just an oauth token stored in memory. The result is many more pooling/proxying connections to my farmOS API! Woot! |
[18:36:28] | <paul121[m]> | Hey all, I'm hoping to make the dev call this week - would like to talk about the farmOS-map upgrade to OpenLayers v10 if anyone is interested! esp symbioquine but no pressure :-) |