[10:07:15] | <mstenta[m]> | symbioquine: I was telling pcambra about your forestry management ideas... he has been working on this for the National Forestry Authority in Uganda: https://github.com/National-Forestry-Authority/forests |
[10:07:33] | <mstenta[m]> | Also, you probably know about this already, but there is a Forest module: https://www.drupal.org/project/farm_forest |
[10:08:24] | <symbioquine[m]> | I'd also run into NFA a long time ago, but had forgotten it existed. I should look at that again. |
[10:10:08] | <symbioquine[m]> | Do you know off-hand if there's any documentation or overview of what features they're trying to build - and what overall problem they're trying to solve? |
[11:57:06] | <symbioquine[m]> | farmOS dev call on in about 3 minutes: https://meet.jit.si/farmos-dev All are welcome! |
[12:34:53] | <mstenta[m]> | pcambra: we're discussing an interesting problem in the dev call right now... curious if you have any ideas... |
[12:35:18] | <mstenta[m]> | tl;dr: we want to be able to encourage folks to experiment with adding new farmOS features in contrib modules |
[12:35:21] | * pcambra[m] has joined #farmos |
[12:35:22] | <pcambra[m]> | joining, got sidelined on a few things |
[12:35:54] | <mstenta[m]> | but i'm not sure if there is a clear path to "absorbing" certain things into core, without needing to jump through a lot of update hook/version hoops |
[13:24:20] | <mstenta[m]> | symbioquine pcambra fosten: https://farmos.discourse.group/t/documenting-best-practices-for-communit... |