IRC logs for #farmOS, 2024-09-02 (GMT)

[05:18:38]* riconeel[m] has joined #farmos
[05:18:39]<riconeel[m]>I have a question. I have farmOS hosted on farmier. As I was checking the user roles , in this case "worker" and "viewer" I noticed that all viewers can see all information. Logs assets etc. Is it possible to assign certain rights for particular users, so that sensitive data such as certain individual assets or certain logs such as sales or anything with pricing or value cannot be seen by particular users? This would be very helpful to
[05:18:39]<riconeel[m]>distribute the system to workers without giving all the ins and outs.
[08:04:53]<mstenta[m]>riconeel: The Worker and Viewer roles are just the "default" ones that farmOS comes with. It is possible to make more granular roles, but right now that requires some deeper knowledge of lower level Drupal roles and permissions. Farmier doesn't grant access to the full roles/permissions configuration (for security purposes), so it's only available on self-hosted instances. That said, there are plans to provide more options in the future!
[08:04:54]<mstenta[m]>I'd love to see a simple farmOS-specific "role builder" UI that is available to Manager roles. We are also excited to explore new options that are becoming available thanks to Drupal core's new Access Policy API: - So things are continuing to evolve! :-)
[09:04:17]<riconeel[m]>Thanks for the quick response. All clear. I opted for farmier so I don't hv to focus on the nitty gritty of the technical aspects of hosting. I am very much looking forward to those features in the hosted version. I am happy with the considerations that are made to keep farmOS as granular as possible with lots of freedom to accommodate the different types of farms and operations, which obviously has its challenges when being translated to
[09:04:18]<riconeel[m]>the "out of the box" product as a hosted Farmier product. However, in order to deploy the system properly as a ready product, a lot of the development features need to be implemented. Is there a clear timeline on when certain features can be expected? Also I would love to join the monthly call and listen in on the dynamics of development.
[09:05:11]<mstenta[m]>Join the forum too! Great place to discuss ideas...
[09:06:23]<mstenta[m]>Development is largely funded by organizations who want specific features built on top. As such, the roadmap is somewhat fluid. But we do discuss and plan a lot of ideas in advance and do our best to promote general feature prioritization.
[09:09:09]<mstenta[m]>Developers who are interested in contributing new features are encouraged to jump in and propose ideas in the forum!
[15:22:17]* farmBOT has joined #farmos
[15:27:10]* kawaiipunkawayduetobereavement has joined #farmos
[16:24:18]* riconeel[m] has quit (
[16:24:18]* ander[m] has quit (
[16:24:18]* paul121[m] has quit (
[16:24:18]* botlfarm[m] has quit (
[16:24:18]* Samsonite[m] has quit (
[16:25:24]* kawaiipunkawayduetobereavement has joined #farmos
[16:25:24]* ander[m] has joined #farmos
[16:25:24]* paul121[m] has joined #farmos
[16:25:24]* botlfarm[m] has joined #farmos
[16:25:24]* Samsonite[m] has joined #farmos
[16:25:32]* riconeel[m] has joined #farmos
[16:26:34]* ander[m] has joined #farmos