[09:02:30] | * GrantBraught[m] has joined #farmos |
[09:02:31] | <GrantBraught[m]> | <mstenta[m]> "(I am not a lawyer but...) I..." <- (I am not a lawyer either)... But here's some additional information that I am familiar with. mstenta is correct, the GPL only requires that modified versions are GPLed IF they are redistributed (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.en.html#GPLRequireSourcePostedPublic). Hosting modified GPL code on a server for others to use is not considered redistribution under the GPL |
[09:02:31] | <GrantBraught[m]> | (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.en.html#GPLRequireSourcePostedPublic). However, the GNU Affero GPL (AGPL) closes this loophole and requires redistribution if a modified version of the AGPL licensed software is made available for others to use via a server (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.en.html#UnreleasedModsAGPL). |
[09:03:19] | <symbioquine[m]> | Yeah, I thought about mentioning the GPL-like licenses but they didn't seem relevant in this case. |
[09:04:34] | <symbioquine[m]> | I think the question of whether sending modified Javascript to the browser counts as "distribution" is still up in the air right? |
[09:07:23] | <GrantBraught[m]> | Hopefully a quick question... We would like to attach an area quantity (e.g. number of acres) to fields and beds. Is there a way to do that and have it appear as in the farmOS forms for adding areas / beds? If not, do you have any suggestions for how to record this type of information without going all in on area geometries? |
[09:07:23] | <GrantBraught[m]> | If this is more appropriate for the forum please let me know and I'll post there. |
[09:08:41] | <symbioquine[m]> | I think this is the relevant forum topic: https://farmos.discourse.group/t/adding-calculated-or-user-inputted-area... |
[09:08:53] | <symbioquine[m]> | On the dev call we talked about it a bit... |
[09:09:35] | <symbioquine[m]> | mstenta: had the thought of making it possible to attach quantity entities directly to assets for cases like this. |
[09:11:01] | <symbioquine[m]> | It could be done in a contrib module that way too, but it might make sense to see how the conversation shakes out - and if it makes sense as a core PR in the near future... |
[09:20:55] | <GrantBraught[m]> | <symbioquine[m]> "I think the question of whether..." <- symbioquine: Not according to the Free Software Foundation... they definitely consider serving JavaScript as distribution (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.en.html#UnreleasedMods). Though, I am not sure if there have been settled legal challenges to this claim. |
[09:21:32] | <symbioquine[m]> | Awesome! |
[09:22:09] | <symbioquine[m]> | Makes sense to me (also not a lawyer 😅) |
[18:22:18] | * farmBOT has joined #farmos |