IRC logs for #farmOS, 2024-03-31 (GMT)

[07:39:17]* farmBOT has joined #farmos
[19:36:59]<shplorf[m]><mstenta[m]> "`sites/default/settings.php`" <- So FYI I figured out the errors:
[19:36:59]<shplorf[m]>All the `* does not exist` errors were due to the fact that drop commands for everything is included in the SQL file that `drush sql:dump` generates for Postgres. Adding the [--create-db flag]( mitigates these errors.
[19:36:59]<shplorf[m]>There were also a couple of errors like `ERROR: function "substring_index" already exists with same argument types`. These seem to be due to `drush sql-drop` not dropping Postgres functions. Adding some SQL to drop the functions before a restore fixed these.