IRC logs for #farmOS, 2023-06-06 (GMT)

[20:05:11]* piegeux[m] has joined #farmos
[03:26:03]* explore has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
[03:48:17]* explore has joined #farmos
[13:53:34]<mstenta[m]>Reminds me of LandPKS!
[14:13:53]<mstenta[m]>jgaehring: saw your comments on - maybe it would make sense to discuss here in chat with symbioquine and paul121 ? Or on a dev call potentially? It's outside of my expertise... but the gist of your explanations makes sense I think! If the issue is blocking you and there isn't an easy workaround, might be faster to discuss live?
[14:14:17]<mstenta[m]>I think paul121 is away this week however
[14:14:48]<symbioquine[m]>Just replied to one facet of the issue...
[14:26:45]<jgaehring[m]><symbioquine[m]> "Just replied to one facet of the..." <- thanks, yea, prefer to address it there
[14:32:09]<jgaehring[m]>this is not a major issue for me at present, b/c like I say there, the SurveyStack implementation is not even using farmOS-map from the npm registry, but literally copy-n-pasting it b/c that's easier for them, but I think that underlines my reasoning for why farmOS-map needs a separate bundle if it wants to support use at all as an npm package
[14:32:31]<mstenta[m]>gotcha! cool... just didn'
[14:32:45]<mstenta[m]>t want you to feel blocked :-)
[14:35:24]<jgaehring[m]>I hadn't really intended to submit a PR, initially, but at this point I think most of the work is there in the issue thread and in the config I referenced from my geotrace library, just needs to be adapted to the file structure I mentioned at