IRC logs for #farmOS, 2022-11-09 (GMT)

[19:27:36]<paul121[m]>👀 Maybe they can share more at our monthly call tomorrow??
[20:31:31]<threewordchant><jgaehring[m]> "paul121: you should have been..." <- thanks for the welcome, and the kind words jgaehring! (and for your time earlier, awesome chat from my perspective too 😊)
[20:31:42]<threewordchant><paul121[m]> "👀 Maybe they can share more at..." <- what time is that? I'm down!
[20:31:46]<threewordchant>* I'm down in theory!
[20:47:33]<jgaehring[m]><paul121[m]> "👀 Maybe they can share more at..." <- Oh almost forgot that was tmw, 11am Pacific 3wc ~ they/them:
[21:18:02]<threewordchant>awesome, thanks both! 🙏
[21:58:17]* farmBOT has joined #farmos
[22:11:01]<threewordchant>is this a decent place to ask for some help getting started with a deployment? I'm trying to get a Co-op Cloud hosted version going properly in time for the meeting tomorrow, in case folks are interested in a demo or some tyre-kicking – but running into some PHP errors that I haven't seen in Github issues
[22:15:53]<threewordchant>using `farmos/farmos:2.x` docker image, `postgresql:12`
[22:16:07]<threewordchant>and seeing `InvalidArgumentException: Class "\Drupal\farm_ui_dashboard\Controller\DashboardController" does not exist. in Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\ClassResolver->getInstanceFromDefinition()`
[22:16:23]<threewordchant>and ` Uncaught PHP Exception Drupal\\Component\\Plugin\\Exception\\PluginNotFoundException: "The "collapsible_filter" plugin does not exist. Valid plugin IDs for Drupal\\views\\Plugin\\ViewsPluginManager are: default" at /opt/drupal/web/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Plugin/Discovery/DiscoveryTrait.php line 53
[22:16:26]<threewordchant> * and `Uncaught PHP Exception Drupal\\Component\\Plugin\\Exception\\PluginNotFoundException: "The "collapsible\_filter" plugin does not exist. Valid plugin IDs for Drupal\\views\\Plugin\\ViewsPluginManager are: default" at /opt/drupal/web/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Plugin/Discovery/DiscoveryTrait.php line 53`
[22:21:31]<threewordchant>* – but I'm running into
[22:21:39]<threewordchant> * and seeing `InvalidArgumentException: Class "\Drupal\farm_ui_dashboard\Controller\DashboardController" does not exist. in Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\ClassResolver->getInstanceFromDefinition()`
[22:41:26]<threewordchant>I tried ticking all the options in the installer, then... (full message at <
[23:15:44]<threewordchant>update: `farmos/farmos:2.x-dev` works fine locally. trying `2.x` (non-dev) locally next
[23:20:50]<symbioquine[m]>The `2.x` docker tag might be out of date on your system... What if you try `farmos/farmos:2.0.0-beta7`?
[23:23:40]<symbioquine[m]><threewordchant> "and seeing `InvalidArgumentExcep..." <- Were there any errors in the docker console log during the installation? How about if you go to `` after the install?
[23:26:17]<threewordchant>thanks symbioquine! 🙏
[23:27:16]<threewordchant><symbioquine[m]> "The `2.x` docker tag might be..." <- ```... (full message at <
[23:27:33]<threewordchant>trying the manual `2.0.0-beta7` tag now, while also trying `2.x` locally
[23:28:42]<threewordchant><symbioquine[m]> "Were there any errors in the..." <- I ate the logs but I'll keep an eye, and try that URL, with the `2.0.0-beta7` tag deployment
[23:35:02]<threewordchant><threewordchant> "update: `farmos/farmos:2.x-dev..." <- hmm `farmos:2.x` also works locally 🤔 so I suspect my `compose.yml` file
[23:36:33]<threewordchant>compose file is here:
[23:55:53]<threewordchant>yeah some errors in docker logs before starting install:... (full message at <
[23:56:41]<threewordchant>�2022-11-09T04:56:24.647603794Z 2022-11-09 04:56:24.647 UTC [117] STATEMENT: SELECT "cid", "data", "created", "expire", "serialized", "tags", "checksum" FROM "cache_config" WHERE "cid" IN ( 'core.extension' ) ORDER BY "cid"
[23:56:41]<threewordchant>�2022-11-09T04:56:24.648549296Z 2022-11-09 04:56:24.648 UTC [117] ERROR: relation "public.cache_config" does not exist at character 409
[23:57:29]<threewordchant>some output from `drush ws` on the remote server:
[23:57:29]<threewordchant>Warning: is_dir(): Unable to find the wrapper "private" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP? in Drupal\Core\File\FileSystem->prepareDirectory()
[23:58:05]<threewordchant>(I see a lot of these locally too tho)
[23:58:34]<threewordchant>> <> some output from `drush ws` on the remote server:... (full message at <
[00:02:20]<threewordchant>and, last for now - when I try and hit `.../dblog`:... (full message at <
[00:04:16]<threewordchant>large subset of docker logs:
[00:04:16]<threewordchant>last 100 `drush ws` messages:
[00:27:55]<symbioquine[m]>> <> some output from `drush ws` on the remote server:... (full message at <
[00:28:47]<symbioquine[m]> * This is probably not related to the `DashboardController`/`ViewPageController` missing issue
[01:03:06]<paul121[m]>Hmm yeah these are some odd errors.. by chance have you tried a `drush cr` ?
[07:15:58]<mstenta[m]>> paul121: you should have been there just now for the lil demo 3wc ~ they/them just showed me, they whipped up a farmOS recipe for and I was just....
[07:15:58]<mstenta[m]>ooh cool!
[07:21:39]<mstenta[m]>Huh yea... weird PHP errors indeed. I've never seen those and can't think why they would occur with the docker compose config you are using... lgtm 🤔
[07:22:07]<mstenta[m]>The other SQL/Drush errors/notices are "normal"... no worries there
[07:22:55]<mstenta[m]>Really just seems that something is wrong with the Drupal codebase, causing issues with classes not being found
[07:26:18]<mstenta[m]>3wc ~ they/them: we also host a weekly dev call - welcome join that too! maybe we could debug a bit together. monthly calls are usually less technical, but would be cool to hear more about coopcloud from a high level either way! feel free to add to our agenda:
[10:05:52]<threewordchant><mstenta[m]> "Huh yea... weird PHP errors..." <- thanks so much for looking!
[10:07:32]<threewordchant><mstenta[m]> "3wc ~ they/them: we also host..." <- ah fantastic, thanks! what time are the weekly dev calls? (sorry I did try `` search this time, but no 🎲🎲)
[10:09:10]<mstenta[m]>ah yea that one isn't on the website 😅
[10:13:46]<FarmerEd[m]>Maybe they should be?
[10:14:52]<mstenta[m]>or at least a link to that forum topic
[10:16:59]<mstenta[m]>3wc ~ they/them: my gut says its a volume issue you're experiencing, but i'm not sure what exactly
[10:17:40]<mstenta[m]>is it possible that you have changed the volume config and might have a persistent volume hanging over from a previous attempt?
[10:18:09]<mstenta[m]>maybe worth blowing everything away and trying again fresh?
[10:18:51]<mstenta[m]>eg: if you originally mounted the whole /opt/drupal codebase and then later changed to /opt/drupal/web/sites
[10:18:58]<mstenta[m]>just a guess
[10:19:09]<threewordchant>I think I tried that, but I will do again! I'm wondering if maybe the volume is mounted too deep? my working local config is `/opt/drupal`, the non-working one is `/opt/drupal/web/sites`
[10:19:57]<mstenta[m]>recommended production volume is /opt/drupal/web/sites, so that updates can be made by updating the image
[10:20:40]<mstenta[m]>otherwise you also have to manage rebuilding the codebase inside the volume
[10:21:01]<mstenta[m]> /opt/drupal/web/sites will just be the persisted settings and uploaded files
[10:22:36]<mstenta[m]>this is standard Drupal, so if you get it working then you can start hosting Drupal more generally! 😄
[10:22:52]<mstenta[m]>(more to it than just running containers, but a first step!)
[10:45:04]<threewordchant><paul121[m]> "Hmm yeah these are some odd..." <- did this, ran successfully, still no joy. I'll try clearing volumes and then switching the volume mountpoint.
[10:45:10]<threewordchant>thanks so much for assistance, everyone 🙏
[10:46:41]<mstenta[m]>huh. the fact that `drush` "ran successfully" is itself perplexing... and might disprove whatever hypothesis i had with volumes 😅
[10:46:56]<mstenta[m]>drush uses the same PHP files/classes as Drupal
[10:47:16]<mstenta[m]>something fishy is going on...
[12:53:54]<threewordchant><threewordchant> "did this, ran successfully..." <- so weird! clearing volume didn't work, but switching to `/opt/drupal/
[12:53:58]<threewordchant>s/`//\`//, s////` did/
[12:54:01]<threewordchant>s////\` did/
[12:54:03]<threewordchant>s////` did/
[12:55:10]<threewordchant>anyway, it's working! 🎉
[12:55:31]<mstenta[m]>oh ya know what? this might be related to bind-mount vs named volumes behavior
[12:56:08]<mstenta[m]>> anyway, it's working! 🎉
[12:56:46]<mstenta[m]>maybe we can talk more on call... or dev call if you can join
[12:57:01]<mstenta[m]>typing is hard for me right now, and about to jump on a call
[12:57:18]<mstenta[m]>but good work 3wc ~ they/them !
[13:04:49]<threewordchant><mstenta[m]> "" <- nice thanks! I think I'm free 🙂
[13:05:26]<threewordchant><mstenta[m]> "oh ya know what? this might be..." <- could well be!
[13:38:37]<mstenta[m]>this is what i was thinking... but now that i think about it i don't see how it would matter in this case
[13:39:05]<mstenta[m]>we have a special entrypoint script to fill in bind-mounted volumes
[13:39:19]<mstenta[m]>but i think you are using named volumes
[13:39:39]<mstenta[m]>i think both should work fine though
[13:50:46]<symbioquine[m]>farmOS monthly call in 10 minutes
[13:51:11]<symbioquine[m]>* minutes -
[14:16:29]<threewordchant><mstenta[m]> "" <- ah this sounds like a brilliant clue, thank you! 🙏 will take a look ASAP
[14:58:52]<mstenta[m]>paul121 jgaehring symbioquine I added you all to the webmaster tools
[15:04:34]<symbioquine[m]><symbioquine[m]> "Also, it doesn't look like that..." <- Created to track my investigation into this...