IRC logs for #farmOS, 2022-10-25 (GMT)

[20:08:31]<symbioquine[m]><FarmerEd[m]> "Cool, but looks like Linux only" <- Bummer...
[20:09:00]<symbioquine[m]>symbioquine[m]: What platform are you on?
[20:32:47]<symbioquine[m]>If you're on Windows, it looks like the tool you want is
[20:32:56]<symbioquine[m]>Not sure about OSX...
[20:36:13]<symbioquine[m]>Looks like this might be an option: (Don't feel like firing up a VM right now to test it though)
[22:44:30]<symbioquine[m]>ACTION sent a vue code block:
[22:44:32]<symbioquine[m]>ACTION uploaded an image: (4KiB) < >
[22:45:34]<symbioquine[m]> * 🎉
[01:20:59]<FarmerEd[m]><symbioquine[m]> "If you're on Windows, it looks..." <- Yea, windows mostly for my laptop, Linux via VM. I'm using shareX but didn't see the option, I'll have another look. No need to go searching/testing in VM's 😆 🤓
[05:08:52]<FarmerEd[m]>ACTION uploaded an image: (845KiB) < >
[05:21:04]<FarmerEd[m]>ACTION uploaded an image: (1380KiB) < >
[10:29:18]<paul121[m]><FarmerEd[m]> "Telegram_JEOoTZqjJZ.gif" <- farmOS terminal :-)
[10:34:59]<symbioquine[m]><FarmerEd[m]> "Yea, windows mostly for my..." <- You go to "Task Settings", then "Screen Recorder" tab, then click the "Screen Recording Options" button, then change the video codec to "VP9 (WebM)"
[10:39:08]<FarmerEd[m]><paul121[m]> "farmOS terminal :-)" <- 🤓 ah crap after escaping 20 years of IBM, I've designed a Terminal!
[11:55:17]<FarmerEd[m]>For my notifications module hook_ENTITY_TYPE_update() does not do anything for logs updated via API. Would an EventSubscriber?
[12:22:54]<riotmiked[m]><FarmerEd[m]> "Maybe it should be voice notes..." <- Had to pipe in on this Farmer Ed , This is a GREAT idea. In my world (Montana), farmers and ranchers often disdain looking at screens and often have dirty and wet hands or gloves on. A voice interface (as long as it's really really well tuned with clear commands) could be a pretty awesome feature. An implementation of a command structure like this could be a first step! (Though it
[12:22:54]<riotmiked[m]>definitely affects the terms you choose if you have to consider voice commands too.)
[12:25:24]<riotmiked[m]>Almond (now Genie) team at Stanford has an open source voice assistant:
[12:29:48]<FarmerEd[m]>Would need a lot of tuning to work in some parts of Ireland.
[12:29:48]<FarmerEd[m]>Theres a good comedy sketch of a voice activated lift (elevator) in Edinburgh Scotland too.
[12:29:48]<FarmerEd[m]>Could be worth a go just the same.
[12:57:06]<FarmerEd[m]>Hows's your HA project coming riotmiked: ? Are you using the Almond add-on with it?
[16:05:51]<riotmiked[m]>> <> Would need a lot of tuning to work in some parts of Ireland.... (full message at <
[16:16:04]<riotmiked[m]><FarmerEd[m]> "Hows's your HA project coming..." <- I'm still limping along. Thanks for asking. I had FarmOS running alongside HA on the same RASPI4, and decided it felt valuable enough to actually do it right. I first tried to do a Home Assistant Add-on that runs FarmOS. That's probably going to be successful, but got mired in Docker dependency hell, so will have to resolve that later. Decided it was higher value as a first step to
[16:16:05]<riotmiked[m]>write an Integration that uses the [farmOS PyPi library]( to put data into FarmOS (Farmier or local) from Home Assistant. It's nice to have Home Assistant's very well defined data structures as a starting point to populate farmOS database. Hoping to get something out for HACS use soon. Will definitely let you know.
[16:16:05]<riotmiked[m]><FarmerEd[m]> "Hows's your HA project coming..." <- Almond would be a future step, and would have to work with the Integration - that's part of why I piped up here. :)
[16:23:15]<FarmerEd[m]>Just stick it in an iframe....😉
[16:23:26]<FarmerEd[m]>ACTION uploaded an image: (1053KiB) < >
[16:29:05]<FarmerEd[m]>ACTION uploaded an image: (151KiB) < >
[16:30:59]<riotmiked[m]><FarmerEd[m]> "image.png" <- Yes that’s a very good simple inspired solution!! I did that almost immediately after I saw your impromptu demo a few months ago. I’m trying to bridge the two so that HA can auto populate measurement data. I know you’re doing most of your integration using Node Red, which is also great. It’s fun to learn how to do an integration in HA :)
[16:31:01]<FarmerEd[m]>Node-Red has been my choice for linking HA and farmOS,
[16:32:57]<FarmerEd[m]>Ah yea, don't get me wrong I've thought of doing the integration too and would love to see one.
[16:36:34]<FarmerEd[m]>Your Pi 4's performance must be well tested at this stage?
[16:56:39]<riotmiked[m]>Yes no complaints, except the standard “don’t run a database on an SD card” and “back up frequently”.
[17:13:21]<FarmerEd[m]>Well, do keep us updated of any developments.