IRC logs for #farmOS, 2022-04-09 (GMT)

[23:48:27]<symbioquine[m]><symbioquine[m]> "I really need to dust that one..." <- I took a first pass at dusting it off this evening and published some [next steps]( (mostly for me)... 😅
[01:36:15]<FarmerEd[m]>> <> Could anyone help me figure out this issue? I tried setting up a local instance of farmOS 2.x using the default docker-compose file, but it hasn't been working. I think it's failing to generate the correct files in the www directly, but not sure why. Heres the output message from the farmos/... (full message at
[04:22:19]<ludwa6[m]><symbioquine[m]> "I'm curious why it makes much..." <- To put this in perspective: not a big hairy deal... Just enough of a PITA that it kinda takes the fun out of working with data.
[04:28:55]<ludwa6[m]><symbioquine[m]> "Is it a performance problem?" <- Occasionally (as described above) when i try to pull a single set of some hundreds of records, i might get a server error... But now it's a human performance problem, in that i have to compile a data set via multiple operations, i.e.: copy/paste these 50-size subsets into a google sheet, 10x to get my 500 record set. Do this enough times, and i start to question the meaning of life!
[04:34:00]<FarmerEd[m]>You need node red 😉
[04:34:57]<FarmerEd[m]>Not sure if I've mentioned it previously🤣
[04:41:49]<ludwa6[m]><symbioquine[m]> "If so, what are you trying to..." <- Immediate problem is trying to whittle my 250-ish set of 'Plant type' records down to the ~100-ish set that it should be, once i eliminate dupes (too easily created via typo, absent date entry constraints) and orphans (i.e. those w/ no related records), and then ensure each of my (more numerous) 'Plant asset' records is related to its proper 'Plant type' record. Not easy, since (as
[04:41:49]<ludwa6[m]>symbioquine well knows ;-) there is no reasonable way to find via 'Plant asset" record all the other records that point to it :-(
[04:44:16]<ludwa6[m]><symbioquine[m]> "I took a first pass at dusting..." <- Great to hear, symbioquine ! And from the sounds of this todo list:
[04:45:44]<ludwa6[m]>... "em principio, ja esta feito," as we would say here in Portugal (i.e. already done -in principle :-)
[04:47:17]<ludwa6[m]>'course principles in PT are not quite as exacting as they are in other places, arguably... But don't get me started on that topic :-)
[04:49:53]<ludwa6[m]><FarmerEd[m]> "Not sure if I've mentioned it..." <- You may have dropped a hint or few, Farmer Ed ... Which i will eventually follow-thru on i expect, once the pain of copy/pasting from farmOS to google sheets hits my pain threshold!
[05:13:42]<FarmerEd[m]>I worked for IBM for nearly 17 years and probably never have promoted a product of theirs as much as I have Node Red since I left.
[05:19:32]<ludwa6[m]>That is the surest indicator of a product worthy of trial: that it needs no professional sales force to drive adoption
[05:33:21]<FarmerEd[m]>Well I honestly think it is great for those data transfer operations like from file to API or even API to API.
[05:33:21]<FarmerEd[m]>I'm probably over using it at the moment as it has been a great tool to produce quick stop gap tools and definitely useful for prototyping my workflows but ultimately I'd like to build some of these as proper farmOS modules.
[09:06:01]<ludwa6[m]><paul121[m]> "You could get all of your..." <- Q paul121 : did you happen to test this script? I've developed a GET request in Postman to pull me Name, ID (short) and UUID for all my 'Plant type' records... But when i replace UUID in your script with the actual value, i get no results, even for a 'Plant type' that i know is referenced as "Crop/variety" on many records. So: can you please test this script, just to confirm that i'm an idiot?
[11:17:03]<symbioquine[m]><ludwa6[m]> "... "em principio, ja esta feito..." <- Yeah, I think it's ready for another review pass now - probably from mstenta . I know he's busy though so it could still take a while to get through review and merged 😅
[17:42:55]<Noaht[m]>> <> Did you ever get any further?
[17:42:55]<Noaht[m]>> I think I had similar issue with trying to install over an existing failed installation. You need to completely remove any directories that are a bind mount.
[17:42:55]<Noaht[m]>Yeah, I figured it out. I didn't realize how long it could take to finish initialization of the farmos container. If I may suggest something, I recommend adding a line at the end of the "1. Set up Docker containers" block at saying it may take some time for this setup to complete.
[17:45:34]<FarmerEd[m]>As a matter of interest what OS are you running? It seems it takes much longer on some OS's.
[17:47:12]<Noaht[m]>macOS Monterey
[17:47:29]<Noaht[m]>Took around 10 minutes or so to complete
[17:47:41]<Noaht[m]>Give or take a few
[17:47:54]<mstenta[m]>It's like <10 seconds on Linux
[17:48:13]<mstenta[m]>What exactly took so long? Do you have any idea?
[17:49:30]<Noaht[m]>Surprised me too! The postgres DB was super fast. I think the longest part was copying the farmOS codebase
[17:49:38]<FarmerEd[m]>So not just an issue with the Linux subsystem for Windows then?
[17:50:12]<mstenta[m]>Are you using the development docker-compose config?
[17:50:54]<mstenta[m]>(The production docker-compose only mounts the `sites` directory... not the whole codebase FWIW)
[17:52:21]<Noaht[m]>Attaching to farmos-www-1, farmos-db-1
[17:52:21]<Noaht[m]>farmos-www-1 | farmOS codebase not detected. Copying from pre-built files in the Docker image.
[17:53:01]<Noaht[m]>Not sure if it was the entire code base or not, but following the line above is what took some time.
[17:59:31]<mstenta[m]>Wow that is outrageous
[17:59:48]<mstenta[m]>I know I've heard that bind-mounts on Mac were slow... but wow.
[17:59:59]<mstenta[m]>And I thought that was fixed
[18:00:47]<mstenta[m]>maybe not...
[18:01:19]<mstenta[m]>(Docker issue, not farmOS) 🤷
[19:55:05]<Noaht[m]>I'm using the module and I created a self signed local ssl key. When I attempt to authorize the client it's throwing a error because it's self signed.... (full message at
[19:55:29]<Noaht[m]>I running the server on my local machine.