IRC logs for #farmOS, 2021-06-06 (GMT)

[06:59:59]* appservice[m] has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[13:44:49]<symbioquine[m]>Finally got around to testing out the Mapbox layers to see if they are a reasonable replacement for Google maps in my area. It seems like they're both much lower resolution and older imagery.
[14:04:33]<shane_aldrich[m]><symbioquine[m] "Finally got around to testing ou"> Did you look at the documentation here: ?
[14:06:52]<symbioquine[m]>No, I was just testing out the default configuration in farmOS with the default account API key.
[14:13:56]<symbioquine[m]>From skimming their API docs though, I don't see anything to select the age of the imagery.
[14:16:51]<symbioquine[m]>... and what I'm seeing in farmOS matches the age/quality of the demos on the Mapbox site. Naively I would assume that they'd show off their most recent and highest quality satellite imagery there - even if they might have options for older or lower resolution available.
[16:08:19]<mstenta[m]>I wish Google would just make their layers available via standard XYZ URL endpoints.
[16:08:44]<mstenta[m]>I don't understand why they don't. It could still require an API key.
[16:09:24]<mstenta[m]>During my explorations for farmOS-map I discovered that it actually is possible to reverse-engineer the URL... but... it's against their license to do so, as I understand it.
[16:10:08]<mstenta[m]>And that's why ol3-googlemaps works around that by using the actual Google Maps JS library rendered underneath the OpenLayers map (if I remember all the details correctly...)
[16:11:04]<mstenta[m]>symbioquine: I wonder if BingMaps has better imagery for you?
[16:11:42]<mstenta[m]>Maybe it would be worth considering Bing - seems like OL supports it out of the box.
[16:15:22]<mstenta[m]>Bing imagery is the WORST of the three for my place :-(
[16:15:32]<mstenta[m]>And MapBox isn't much better...
[16:15:42]<mstenta[m]>Google is by far the best...
[16:16:32]<mstenta[m]>Bah... man... we're going to need to keep supporting a Google module :-(
[16:16:50]<mstenta[m]>As much as I'd love to drop it...
[16:39:18]<symbioquine[m]><mstenta[m] "symbioquine: I wonder if BingMap"> It's a bit better than the Mapbox imagery, but worse than GM.
[16:40:23]<symbioquine[m]>The GM imagery is actually even better in many ways than the county-specific imagery.
[16:40:38]<symbioquine[m]><mstenta[m] "Bah... man... we're going to nee"> Yeah
[16:41:01]<mstenta[m]>Not surprising... Google does a good job with maps... (I say that begrudgingly)
[16:42:52]<symbioquine[m]><mstenta[m] "During my explorations for farmO"> Might be possible to make a generic raster-by-url contrib module, then users could make that decision for themselves without code or farmOS explicitly endorsing it.
[16:44:12]<mstenta[m]>ah hmm
[16:44:33]<mstenta[m]>"use at your own risk"
[16:45:19]<symbioquine[m]>Yeah, it could be a bit dicey 🤫
[16:45:21]<mstenta[m]>well in either case, i think i need to support it for farmier users... so i think i'll need the legal approach :-)
[16:45:37]<symbioquine[m]>Yep, makes sense
[16:48:56]<symbioquine[m]>When I get back to my computer I'll have to check out whether the current OL GM example works the same way...
[16:49:24]<mstenta[m]>Ah yea... so that's actually for OpenLayers v2
[16:49:37]<mstenta[m]>They did officially support Google back then... but then dropped support in v3+
[16:49:47]<mstenta[m]>Because of the added complexity I think
[16:49:58]<symbioquine[m]>Ahhh :(
[16:51:14]<mstenta[m]>> Google Maps is officially not supported by ol3, see
[16:51:58]<mstenta[m]>This describes how to use the raster layer URLs directly:
[16:52:22]<mstenta[m]>And this comment:
[16:52:26]<mstenta[m]>> Be careful if you plan to use this; it is a direct violation of Google Maps' terms of service and you will likely get in trouble. – Alex McMillan Aug 21 '18 at 5:23
[16:52:55]<mstenta[m]>And this one:
[16:52:56]<mstenta[m]>> No it doesn't, and it will probably never support it, since there is no direct tiles access with GMaps. The only option that I know of is still something like:
[16:53:08]<mstenta[m]>Which brings us full circle :-)
[16:53:43]<symbioquine[m]>Yeah, bummer