IRC logs for #farmOS, 2021-05-28 (GMT)

[00:13:24]* mstenta has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
[00:54:47]* towser1 has joined #farmos
[03:37:27]* towser1 has quit (Quit: Connection closed)
[05:52:43]* dee has joined #farmos
[11:19:27]* dee has quit (Quit: Connection closed)
[15:52:23]* skipper_is[m] has joined #farmos
[16:29:16]<shane_aldrich[m]>Well... my Apache solution didn't work after rebooting my Windows 10 machine. It turns out that the virtual ethernet adapter in WSL resets the IP address after the reboot. Now I'm looking for a solution to keep at least one static IP address alive on WSL so my Windows hosts file can keep that address moving forward. Ugh!
[16:37:35]<symbioquine[m]>Can you just spin up a Ubuntu VM and work there?
[16:39:35]<shane_aldrich[m]>I could. But that causes some additional overhead for the CPU and RAM. That's what drove me to the WSL environment. I've got a few pages open with some possible solutions right now.
[17:47:19]<shane_aldrich[m]>All of those methods failed. I'm creating a virtual machine with Hyper-V now. We'll see how that goes.
[17:59:17]* farmBOT has joined #farmos