IRC logs for #farmOS, 2021-05-21 (GMT)

[20:30:41]<paul121[m]>I'm curious if we could enable this discourse event plugin in our discourse forum?
[20:31:49]<paul121[m]>it's an "official" plugin that allows attaching events to forum posts
[20:32:15]<mstenta[m]>paul121: i just made you a forum admin :-)
[20:32:20]<mstenta[m]>(should have done that a long time ago!)
[20:32:56]<paul121[m]>set an event time/details, I think set recurring events, users can mark attendance, etc..
[20:33:24]<paul121[m]>oh haha. well do we have any experience with Discourse plugins?
[20:33:45]<mstenta[m]>i'm looking at now
[20:33:48]<paul121[m]>I'm happy to try it! Just don't want to break everything!!!
[20:34:18]<mstenta[m]>looks like there's a set of plugins available... but i don't see event
[20:34:49]<mstenta[m]>there's also a "Need more plugins?" button that opens a "here's how to upgrade to a paid plan" dialog
[20:34:50]<paul121[m]>`discourse-calendar` is the actual name, seems like event features were added later on
[20:35:09]<paul121[m]>ahhh yes
[20:35:20]<mstenta[m]>hmm yea don't see calendar either
[20:36:08]<mstenta[m]>sounds like it's relatively new, though? maybe they will make it available to us in the future?
[20:36:52]<mstenta[m]>(we've got free hosting from because we're an open source project - so we don't have direct control over the server it's running on
[20:38:44]<paul121[m]>right... hmmm
[20:39:20]<mstenta[m]>might have to wait until it's a bit farther along
[20:39:31]<mstenta[m]>looks cool though! would be great to be able to manage events!
[20:39:43]<mstenta[m]>(would obviate the need for the group too yea?)
[20:39:57]<mstenta[m]>maybe we could express our interest somehow :-)
[20:39:58]<paul121[m]>seems like it isn't super new tho? maybe only some of the latest features?
[20:40:08]<mstenta[m]>oh ok hmm
[20:40:11]<paul121[m]>yea that's my motivation haha
[20:41:27]<paul121[m]>ah here's the map of which plugins are available on which tiers:
[20:41:46]<paul121[m]>and fwiw installation instructions for self-hosted forums:
[20:42:16]<mstenta[m]>ah dang! so we need a "business" plan?
[20:42:27]<paul121[m]>ah damn... `discourse-calendar` requires the Business plan... $300/month.... BOOOO
[20:42:36]<mstenta[m]>double boo
[20:42:52]<mstenta[m]>but i wonder if they'd give it to us...
[20:43:01]<mstenta[m]>we also don't pay the standard plan fee
[20:43:22]<mstenta[m]>can't be that hard to just turn on a plugin :-)
[20:43:30]<paul121[m]>seems like they could make good money selling a single plugin for $20/month ?
[20:43:34]<mstenta[m]>and for an open source community - events are super useful!
[20:45:32]<paul121[m]>> Yes! If you are legally recognized as an educational institution we offer an 85% discount. If you are legally recognized as a non-profit organization that is exempt from federal taxes, we offer a 50% discount. These discounts apply only to our standard and business plans, and must be paid through a debit/credit card monthly or annually.
[20:45:46]<paul121[m]> * Discounts
[20:45:46]<paul121[m]>Yes! If you are legally recognized as an educational institution we offer an 85% discount. If you are legally recognized as a non-profit organization that is exempt from federal taxes, we offer a 50% discount. These discounts apply only to our standard and business plans, and must be paid through a debit/credit card monthly or annually.
[20:45:52]<paul121[m]> * Discounts
[20:45:52]<paul121[m]>> Yes! If you are legally recognized as an educational institution we offer an 85% discount. If you are legally recognized as a non-profit organization that is exempt from federal taxes, we offer a 50% discount. These discounts apply only to our standard and business plans, and must be paid through a debit/credit card monthly or annually.
[20:46:19]<mstenta[m]>this is what we did:
[20:46:53]<mstenta[m]>we have the option to upgrade to standard plan at 50% off if we ever need to
[20:47:02]<mstenta[m]>(this would give us the ability to have a custom domain, for instance)
[20:47:20]<mstenta[m]>(or if we ever exceed bandwidth/storage limits)
[20:50:00]<paul121[m]>ah - now I can see all the plugin settings
[21:00:31]<paul121[m]>> For Discourse instances hosted by us ( 9, Civilized Discourse Construction Kit Inc), you need to be on our Enterprise plan in order to install custom plugin bundles, because we use multisite for standard/business customers and a plugin installed for one customer in a multisite config runs for everyone, which can cause Confusion and Delay if there’s bugs in the plugin, or incompatibilities with other plugin
[21:00:31]<paul121[m]>or any number of other potential issues.
[21:01:14]<paul121[m]><mstenta[m] "can't be that hard to just turn "> seems like it might be a multisite setup :-/
[21:01:25]<mstenta[m]>ah makes sense
[21:01:39]<mstenta[m]>shoulda built it with drupal ;-) ;-)
[21:02:56]<mstenta[m]>> a plugin installed for one customer in a multisite config runs for everyone
[21:02:56]<mstenta[m]>i guess this means if we asked for the event plugin, it would also need to make it available to all other "free" customers
[21:03:11]<mstenta[m]>(still - i think we could make the argument for that!)
[21:04:21]<paul121[m]>gosh, or even just the standard tier!
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