IRC logs for #farmOS, 2021-05-13 (GMT)

[09:51:32]<cpm>dang, missed the call again!
[09:51:38]<cpm>next month
[09:56:09]* cpm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[09:57:00]<aerocity[m]>I’d love to join next month too! Didn’t realize there were monthly calls, head’s too deep in finals :)
[09:57:51]* cpm has joined #farmos
[16:19:23]* med65[m] has joined #farmos
[19:15:28]<shane_aldrich[m]>ACTION uploaded an image: (16KiB) < >
[19:17:20]<shane_aldrich[m]>Any idea on how to fix this? I'm trying some things out and I want the full list of "generate" commands. But I only get the following:
[19:17:31]<shane_aldrich[m]>ACTION uploaded an image: (188KiB) < >
[19:18:24]<mstenta[m]>Hi shane_aldrich ! Hmm.. I haven't used drupal console, to be honest... so I'm not sure
[19:18:44]<mstenta[m]>The Drupal Slack rooms are a great place for general help!
[19:19:23]<shane_aldrich[m]>Man! I have to reinstall Slack now. 😅
[19:19:37]<symbioquine[m]>I think you might need the MariaDB client (or Postgre)...
[19:19:38]<mstenta[m]>Yea I'm not a huge fan....
[19:21:05]<symbioquine[m]>My other thought is that I might have seen a similar error trying to use some of the newer D8/9 commands against D7...
[19:21:08]<shane_aldrich[m]>I am so far down a rabbit hole on how to proceed with my "Fungi" module. I've been looking at creating a plugin handler, amongst so many other ways to sking this cat.
[19:21:49]<shane_aldrich[m]><symbioquine[m] "My other thought is that I might"> That's interesting! I know farmOS is on Drupal 9.x. Maybe that's the issue.
[19:22:31]<symbioquine[m]>Only 2.x is on D9
[19:23:16]<mstenta[m]>shane_aldrich: cool! how are things coming? i've been buried i haven't had a chance to check in
[19:23:48]<shane_aldrich[m]>That is the version I'm working with. I really only want this module available with 2.x. I'm too inexperienced with all of this to create one for 1.7 and the associated migration.
[19:24:45]<shane_aldrich[m]><mstenta[m] "shane_aldrich: cool! how are thi"> Still about the same as my direct message to you. 🤣 But learning more as I go along. Drupal might as well be Windows or MacOS for me right now.
[19:26:17]<shane_aldrich[m]>Do I use a paring knife, serrated knife, cleaver, etc. for this cat? 🤣🤣🤣
[19:27:17]<shane_aldrich[m]>Plus, I'm on my 4th installation of 2.x over the last week just to get everything back to square one.
[19:28:59]<mstenta[m]>Haha yeaaa it definitely takes some time to understand all the options and what is the best approach for things
[19:29:18]<mstenta[m]>Do you have a specific feature you're working on?
[19:29:27]<mstenta[m]>Feel free to ask specific questions here
[19:29:33]<mstenta[m]>I'll respond as I'm able
[19:29:42]<mstenta[m]>(also this chat is logged on!)
[19:30:28]<mstenta[m]>and in theory....
[19:30:56]<mstenta[m]>farmBOT: tell shane_aldrich that we have an IRC bot!
[19:30:56]<farmBOT>mstenta[m]: I'll pass that on when shane_aldrich is around.
[19:31:12]<mstenta[m]>hey it still works! :-D
[19:31:59]<shane_aldrich[m]>What's with the bot?
[19:32:28]<shane_aldrich[m]>I've used some of those on Slack before. Not sure what to do with it here.
[19:35:19]<mstenta[m]>It might not actually work outside of IRC haha
[19:35:45]<mstenta[m]>That was supposed to repeat back the message to you after you said something
[19:35:59]<mstenta[m]>Oh well 🤷
[19:43:20]<shane_aldrich[m]>So the first thing I'm trying to accomplish is figuring out the best way to structure this module with all of the other modules available (adding classes, php files, namespace references, requires, includes, etc.) with inventory and materials being on the front of my mind. Some things are going to be specific to Fungi (genetics and substrates/substrate mixes first). Should my entire module be a node with various
[19:43:21]<shane_aldrich[m]>plugins, blocks, views, content types? How do I add more than one asset type to this module? What do I do when I want to put together growing parameters for each genetic strain (most definitely a later addition) and track those parameters along the cultivation process? This is where I'm kind of losing my mind about all of the different ways to interface with the backend and present it in a meaningful and concise way
[19:43:21]<shane_aldrich[m]>to the eventual end user.
[19:45:50]<shane_aldrich[m]>I also know the value of keeping it "simple". But farming is anything but simple when you really get into it. Concepts of structure and interfacing with other modules seems to be just beyond my reach right now.
[19:46:24]<mstenta[m]>> with inventory and materials being on the front of my mind
[19:46:24]<mstenta[m]>i've got an idea for a first step
[19:48:48]<mstenta[m]>ACTION < >
[19:49:35]<mstenta[m]>this will both start the ball rolling on adding a Material asset type to farmOS core and hopefully give you a basic sense of what a simple asset type requires
[19:51:09]<mstenta[m]>and in the meantime you can use this fork of farmOS yourself to build around
[19:51:15]<mstenta[m]>with a "Material" asset type
[19:52:41]<mstenta[m]>symbioquine: ^
[19:53:59]<mstenta[m]>> with inventory and materials being on the front of my mind
[19:53:59]<mstenta[m]>shane_aldrich than you can enable the material and inventory modules and start playing around
[19:54:50]<mstenta[m]>i would recommend thinking about the data architecture first. the records and their relationships, in other words. then build UI, quick forms, etc to work with those records
[19:55:13]<mstenta[m]>and spend some time using the raw records themselves
[19:55:38]<mstenta[m]>make some material assets, add some logs that adjust their inventory, get a sense for how things work without shortcuts
[19:56:07]<mstenta[m]>then figure out what shortcuts you need for adding/editing/viewing those records (above and beyond farmOS's basic UI features)
[19:56:24]<mstenta[m]>then from there, you can figure out the best way to approach each piece
[19:56:44]<mstenta[m]>happy to brainstorm those too when you get there :-)