IRC logs for #farmOS, 2021-01-02 (GMT)

[02:51:57]* jcalonso[m] has joined #farmos
[16:37:40]<mstenta[m]>> Am I right in thinking that currently there isn't a way to query the `geometry` computed field via the D9 Entity/Query API?
[16:37:40]<mstenta[m]>symbioquine if you have an asset entity, you should be able to do `$wkt = $asset->get('geometry')->value`
[16:37:46]<mstenta[m]>(if that's what you mean?)
[16:39:54]<mstenta[m]>or are you trying to build a raw database query?
[18:25:01]<symbioquine[m]>I was trying to use `entityTypeManager->getStorage('log')->getQuery()...` to construct an entity DB query based on the computed field.