IRC logs for #farmOS, 2020-02-05 (GMT)

[19:05:16]<generalredneck[m>So in reguards to the rubicon box above.the rubicon was "out of stock"... Looks like we have to find a replacement... but a single gang may not cut it... but I also want to make sure stuff isnt' super expensive...
[19:08:20]<generalredneck[m>the rubicon is 3.5 x 5.4 x 1.8 in... and a standard single gang is 2.3 x 3.8 x 2.9 ... need to do some research there.
[19:10:14]<generalredneck[m>waterproof double gang which woudl be the right size starts at $10 each... more than I paid for the sensors and esp8266
[19:10:56]<generalredneck[m>thus the reason I spent $3 on an ace 2gal bucket for my last project :P
[19:12:53]<paul121[m]>Haha yea, dang. I was curious how much the double gang would be
[19:13:25]<paul121[m]>I mean, you could use some tupperware... spend as much as you want...
[19:13:42]<generalredneck[m>HAHA fair nuff
[19:13:56]<paul121[m]>We used a silicone sealant of some kind to seal where our cables went in the box
[19:14:07]<paul121[m]>But that was meant for floating in the ocean
[19:14:26]<paul121[m]>If you're just mounting to that trailer, and put holes on the bottom, probably not too much to worry about
[19:14:33]<generalredneck[m>yeah occasional rain vs floating in water... a little different.
[19:14:40]<paul121[m]>Cut some fabric to seal the hole
[19:15:52]<generalredneck[m>again thanks tons for working this out with me!
[19:23:20]<paul121[m]>No prob! Excited to see what ya draft up
[21:01:52]<komatek[m]>mstenta: OK I finally found the issues, it's due to the devsec nginx hardening parameters:
[21:01:52]<komatek[m]>- /etc/nginx/conf.d/90.hardening.conf: 'add_header Content-Security-Policy "script-src 'self'; object-src 'self'";'
[21:01:52]<komatek[m]>- /etc/nginx/nginx.conf: client_max_body_size 1k;
[21:02:53]<komatek[m]>I'll release this first version of ansible playbook FarmOS on my github soon (need to make some docs before)
[21:02:57]<mstenta[m]>Ah! I was curious about the second one... but the first one I had no idea about
[21:03:08]<mstenta[m]>Great detective work!
[21:03:34]<komatek[m]>the first one prevent the install script to execute 'installation profile' step
[21:03:49]<mstenta[m]>Awesome! If you'd like, we can include a link to it here:
[21:03:57]<mstenta[m]>Ahhh ook
[21:04:19]<komatek[m]>yes great, I'll told you when I release it ;)
[21:04:45]<mstenta[m]>You can even open a pull request yourself to make the change if you'd like:
[21:04:52]<komatek[m]> * yes great, I'll told you when I release it ;-)
[21:05:13]<komatek[m]>oh yes sure
[21:07:43]<komatek[m]>I'll do that ;-)
[21:49:19]<generalredneck[m> so after some research... instead of a float switch was thinking going for an ultrasonic range detection sensor for inside the barrel since I know the distance from the top of the barrel to the bottom and can use that to determine "gallons" left
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[22:06:38]<generalredneck[m>Something like this could be used for stock tanks or ponds too... just a thought for observation logging.
[23:36:37]<paul121[m]>Oh interesting!
[23:37:18]<paul121[m]>Yeah, I guess theres a difference between knowing the actual level of water
[23:37:28]<paul121[m]>And when the water level hits certain points
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[09:35:49]<komatek[m]> mstenta Things done and Pull requests made 🙂
[10:59:16]<mstenta[m]>Cool! Thanks komatek ! I'm traveling at the moment but will check out the PR soon!
[11:00:08]<komatek[m]>mstenta: you're welcome
[14:49:01]* mbillion[m] has joined #farmos
[14:53:42]<mbillion[m]>Hey I am evaluating farmOs for the farm that I work at - I saw that they do have event logging for soil and water tests, however we do many other tests like tissue tests for nutrient, as well as pre and post harvest testing for common disease/pathogen found on organic leafy greens - was wondering if that functionality exists in FarmOs or how hard it would be to expand the testing section to include a wider array of tests
[15:07:34]<mstenta[m]>Hi mbillion welcome to the farmOS chat!
[15:07:43]<mstenta[m]>We actually have a plan for that :-)
[15:08:16]<mstenta[m]>It doesn't currently have a timeline, although there has been interest from a number of groups
[15:13:01]<mbillion[m]><mstenta[m] "It doesn't currently have a time"> awesome that its even planned - how can I find out about contributing - my farm has an IT department, and this would be the only major thing holding us back from running with it
[15:17:20]<mstenta[m]>This is kind of a "deep" one (requires some extra knowledge of Drupal and farmOS), but I actually got a branch started a while back:
[15:17:24]<mstenta[m]>It looks like it has some merge conflicts currently, though
[15:18:37]<mstenta[m]>Does your IT department have a Drupal developer by any chance? :-)
[15:19:12]<mstenta[m]>If not, there's a chance this will happen in the near future. I'm meeting with a group that is sponsoring some development and this one is on their list as well. Not sure if it's a high priority though.
[15:20:45]<mstenta[m]>For what it's worth: the "Soil Test" and "Water Test" logs will be merged into the new "Lab Test" log type... so you could potentially start by using one of those, with that future merge in mind
[15:20:58]<mstenta[m]>So maybe it doesn't need to hold you up waiting for it
[15:22:07]<mstenta[m]>I think the new log type will have a dropdown of options (eg: Soil test, Water test, etc)... so it just means that when the merge happens the logs you created in the meantime will just be auto-labeled as one of those, which you might want to change in the future
[15:22:13]<mbillion[m]>We dont do drupal right now - but I am hiring new people and I am not against just sponsoring Dev Work - is there a pay to play option??
[15:22:51]<mstenta[m]>Sure! If you want, I can talk with the other group(s) interested in this and see if they would all be interested in splitting the cost - would you be interested in joining forces?
[15:23:59]<mstenta[m]>Oh I see you just sent me an email!
[15:24:05]<mstenta[m]>Want to follow up via email?
[15:24:10]<mstenta[m]>I'm actually on a train right now headed to the PASA conference :-)
[15:24:22]<mstenta[m]>I'll need to close up and get off soon FYI
[15:24:31]<mbillion[m]>for sure, Just from dealing with the other decision makers I know it either needs to be on the table, or available - yeah send me an email. I am interested though - no rush, hit me up when you are free
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[16:23:01]<ros-agriculture[><generalredneck[m ""> If you need waterproof one there is this ultrasonic sensor -
[16:25:16]<generalredneck[m>Thanks. I'll take a look. I've not picked the others up yet.
[16:26:45]<ros-agriculture[>Does anyone know of a tutorial for sending data to a sensor_listener asset?
[16:27:21]<generalredneck[m>> my farm has an IT department, and this would be the only major thing holding us back from running with it
[16:27:22]<generalredneck[m>mbillion That's pretty freaking awesome.
[16:29:57]<generalredneck[m><ros-agriculture[ "Does anyone know of a tutorial f"> you looking for a lua example? or what kind of example.. there is a curl example at
[18:02:54]<paul121[m]> I've been wanting to add some simple sensor data capability to, too - it would really be quite simple to implement. If that would be of use (sending data via python) I can try and bump that up my list :-)
[18:17:57]<ros-agriculture[><generalredneck[m "you looking for a lua example? o"> Yes trying to understand how to send some data from ROS. I think those examples will work.